Welcome to the Blog Agribusiness super red dragon fruit

The development of agribusiness patterns of dragon fruit commodities superRED / hylocereus Costaricensis in Java is very, very large, so that encouraged us to "develop agribusiness through the use of appropriate technology to increase income from agriculture and into modern farmers and suppliers (gardener and supplier) of the product The resulting
"and" Building a plant that will agroindustries it into a solution of fresh fruits over capacitive who later produced and
distributed in the form of beverage products and processed foods made from raw SuperRED dragon fruit
with segments of the market throughout Indonesia "

Minggu, 04 April 2010

MINAGA Health Drink

produk unggulan kami seri SR-1 ini merupakan minuman hasil olahan industri kecil, sangat segar bila disajikan dingin.
harga yang kami berikan kepada konsumen adalah Rp.35.000,- untuk jenis SR-1, Rp. 60.000,- untuk jenis SR-2 dan Rp.90.000,- untuk jenis SR-3.

Fungsi dan kegunaan :
1. Menurunkan dan Menyeimbangkan kadar gula darah/penyakit gula.
2. Memperlancar pembuangan Feses.
3. Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi/hypertensi
4. Menyembuhkan migren
5. Mengurangi Asam Urat
6. Meningkatkan stamina tubuh

(Sumber : konsumen yang telah mengkonsumsi produk)

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